February 2024 - Posts
Are you stressed out? Do you want to learn ways to relax in a healthy way? Bring some friends and join us for the SADD Club's "Relieve the Stress Fest" after school on Thursday, March 7th from 2-3:45!
Pet Project Club is hosting a fundraiser for Pack Leaders Rescue of CT. Cash or Venmo donations will be accepted from March 4th thru March 8th in the cafeteria during lunch waves. Help support animals in need.
Interested in a career in Nursing? The UCONN School of Nursing will be hosting an information session about their Early Intro to Nursing Professions summer program on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. UCONN Nursing professors and students will speak with interested students from 10AM-11AM in Rm. 103. This opportunity is open to students grades 9-11. If you have any questions, stop by Room 100 to speak with Mrs. Bravo.
The 9th Grade Class will be selling Shamrocks during all 4 lunch waves the week of March 4th to March 8th. Stop by the table during our lunch wave to write out your note on the shamrock. They will be delivered during homeroom on March 14th. Each Shamrock will cost $1. Proceeds go to the 9th grade Class of 2027. See Mrs. Barrett with questions.
Today’s Entrepreneurship club meeting is being rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, 2/29, after school in ANNEX 17.
The Hope Club’s next meeting is on Thursday, February 29th in the back of the Media Center. We will explore the different types of heart disease for awareness during American Heart Month and learn to take vital signs such as blood pressure and pulse.
Are you bored and looking for something to do this Wednesday after school? Come check out the Strategy Club. We meet every other Wednesday, after school, in the back of the Media Center to play board games, card games, and Dungeons and Dragons. New members are always welcome. In fact, we have a brand new D&D group starting this week so come check us out!
Lots of clubs will be offering free activities at the "Relieve the Stress Fest" on Thursday, March 7th! Visit the SADD Club, Cooking Club, Black Student Alliance, FSLA, Environmental Club, Strategy Club, National Honor Society, FBLA, Italian Club, the Teen Center and the Community Music Club. Play some Ping Pong, Spikeball or Corn Hole, try your luck at a trivia game, create art, listen to some music, make a yogurt parfait, play a game or visit a therapy dog!
The French Club “Le Lynx” will meet on Thursday, February 29th from 2:10 p.m. until the late bus in room 105. We'll be making Madeleines aux oranges (orange Madeleine), Soufflé au fromage and Lemonade. Space is limited. See Mr. Ly in room 227 to reserve your spot and Bhaavni Krishna if you have questions. All are welcome. Bon appétit.
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
There will be a meeting for all students interested in playing baseball this season on Thursday, February 29th after school in Room 161. Any questions, please see Mr. D'Amato.
There will be an end of season Winter Sports Captain’s Meeting this Thursday 2/29 during Bobcat Block in the Seminar Room
Please come and support SWHS varsity girls ice hockey players Liliana Ficaro and Charlotte Laramee this Thursday when the Storm Co-Op Girls Ice Hockey Team plays Southington in the Quarterfinals of the State Tournament at Newington Arena (Red Rink). Game time is 4:30 pm.
Spring sports registration is now open. Registration deadline is March 5th. Registration consists of 3 parts- completing the online portion, submitting the physician statement and submitting the pay to play participation fee to the SWHS Main Office. Payment can also be made by cash, check or through www.myschoolbucks.com for a small fee. All three must be completed before March 5th to be eligible for tryouts. Late registrations are not guaranteed to be processed in time for tryouts and may result in sitting out for one day of tryouts.
Students interested in exploring careers in the field of science are invited to check out a summer science camp at the Center for DNA-Guided Medicine in Hartford. An information flier with camp dates and contact information is hanging in the Career Center on the Special Programs board. The Center is also looking for high school interns for their summer science internship program at the Laboratory for Personalized Medicine. Interested students should see Mrs. Carty to find out how to submit their resume for consideration.
A local company is seeking part-time help from a student interested in exploring accounting as a career. Please see the part-time jobs board in the Career Center for more information.
Interested in a career in Nursing? The UCONN School of Nursing will be hosting an information session about their Early Intro to Nursing Professions summer program on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. UCONN Nursing professors and students will speak with interested students from 10AM-11AM in Rm. 103. This opportunity is open to students grades 9-11. If you have any questions, stop by Room 100 to speak with Mrs. Bravo
Today’s Entrepreneurship club meeting is being rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, 2/29, after school in ANNEX 17.
The Hope Club’s next meeting is on Thursday, February 29th in the back of the Media Center. We will explore the different types of heart disease for awareness during American Heart Month and learn to take vital signs such as blood pressure and pulse.
Are you bored and looking for something to do this Wednesday after school? Come check out the Strategy Club. We meet every other Wednesday, after school, in the back of the Media Center to play board games, card games, and Dungeons and Dragons. New members are always welcome. In fact, we have a brand new D&D group starting this week so come check us out!
Lots of clubs will be offering free activities at the "Relieve the Stress Fest" on Thursday, March 7th! Visit the SADD Club, Cooking Club, Black Student Alliance, FSLA, Environmental Club, Strategy Club, National Honor Society, FBLA, Italian Club, the Teen Center and the Community Music Club. Play some Ping Pong, Spikeball or Corn Hole, try your luck at a trivia game, create art, listen to some music, make a yogurt parfait, play a game or visit a therapy dog!
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
There will be a meeting for all students interested in playing baseball this season on Thursday, February 29th after school in Room 161. Any questions, please see Mr. D'Amato.
Spring sports registration is now open. Registration deadline is March 5th. Registration consists of 3 parts - completing the online portion, submitting the physician statement and submitting the pay to play participation fee to the SWHS Main Office. Payment can also be made by cash, check or through www.myschoolbucks.com for a small fee. All three must be completed before March 5th to be eligible for tryouts. Late registrations are not guaranteed to be processed in time for tryouts and may result in sitting out for one day of tryouts.
Students interested in exploring careers in the field of science are invited to check out a summer science camp at the Center for DNA-Guided Medicine in Hartford. An information flier with camp dates and contact information is hanging in the Career Center on the Special Programs board. The Center is also looking for high school interns for their summer science internship program at the Laboratory for Personalized Medicine. Interested students should see Mrs. Carty to find out how to submit their resume for consideration.
A local company is seeking part-time help from a student interested in exploring accounting as a career. Please see the part-time jobs board in the Career Center for more information.
The Entrepreneurship Club will meet after school in Annex Room 17 from 2:15 - 3:30 PM on Wednesday, February 28th. All are welcome, so grab a snack and come learn a little about how franchising works! Late bus passes will be available for anyone needing transportation home.
Are you bored and looking for something to do this Wednesday after school? Come check out the Strategy Club. We meet every other Wednesday, after school, in the back of the Media Center to play board games, card games, and Dungeons and Dragons. New members are always welcome. In fact, we have a brand new D&D group starting this week so come check us out!
Join the SADD Club for the “Relieve the Stress Fest” on Thursday, March 7th from 2-3:45. Hang out with friends and enjoy a stress free afternoon. The event is free and open to all students, so we hope to see you there!
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
Anyone interested in trying out for the Boys golf team should attend an informational meeting
Tuesday, February 27th after school in Room 168. Please see Mr. Gray in Room 168 if you have any questions or can’t attend.
There will be a meeting for all students interested in playing baseball this season on Thursday, February 29th after school in Room 161. Any questions, please see Mr. D'Amato.
Spring sports registration is now open. Registration deadline is March 5th. Registration consists of 3 parts - completing the online portion, submitting the physician statement and submitting the pay to play participation fee to the SWHS Main Office. Payment can also be made by cash, check or through www.myschoolbucks.com for a small fee. All three must be completed before March 5th to be eligible for tryouts. Late registrations are not guaranteed to be processed in time for tryouts and may result in sitting out for one day of tryouts.
Students interested in exploring careers in the field of science are invited to check out a summer science camp at the Center for DNA-Guided Medicine in Hartford. An information flier with camp dates and contact information is hanging in the Career Center on the Special Programs board. The Center is also looking for high school interns for their summer science internship program at the Laboratory for Personalized Medicine. Interested students should see Mrs. Carty to find out how to submit their resume for consideration.
A local company is seeking part-time help from a student interested in exploring accounting as a career. Please see the part-time jobs board in the Career Center for more information.
Open auditions for the award winning show choir Choral Spectrum will be on February 26 at 6 PM. Join the Google Classroom with code 2b7zjtr or see Mr. Martineau in the music department for more details.
On Thursday, March 7th the SADD Club is hosting the return of the "Relieve the Stress Fest". The event will be held after school from 2-3:45 PM and is free for all students. Some of the many activities are therapy dogs, gong sound meditation, games in the gym, activities in the cafeteria, raffles and more! Join us for a stress-free afternoon!
The Hope Club’s next meeting is on Thursday, February 29th in the back of the Media Center. We will explore the different types of heart disease for awareness during American Heart Month and learn to take vital signs such as blood pressure and pulse.
The Entrepreneurship Club will meet after school in Annex Room 17 from 2:15 - 3:30 PM on Wednesday, February 28th. All are welcome, so grab a snack and come learn a little about how franchising works! Late bus passes will be available for anyone needing transportation home
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
Anyone interested in trying out for the Boys golf team should attend an informational meeting
Tuesday, February 27th after school in Room 168. Please see Mr. Gray in Room 168 if you have any questions or can’t attend.
There will be a meeting for all students interested in playing baseball this season on Thursday, February 29th after school in Room 161. Any questions, please see Mr. D'Amato.
Open auditions for the award winning show choir Choral Spectrum will be on February 26 at 6 PM. Join the Google Classroom with code 2b7zjtr or see Mr. Martineau in the music department for more details.
The Environmental Club is selling t-shirts to promote “Earth Day is Every Day!” Shirts will be sold in the Cafe and in Ms. Eitel’s classroom Room 206 from February 26th thru June. Students will wear the shirts on specific days to show their love of conservation and environmental stewardship.
The National Honor society is hosting a fundraiser at a local sandwich shop located in Evergreen walk today, February 23rd, from 4-8pm. All proceeds will go to NHS Special events.
Here’s a sweet way to support SWHS Boys’ Hockey: Order chocolates from the chocolate shop in Evergreen walk. Click on this link to be directed to the order form. Order now through February 25th.
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
The STORM Girls Co-OP Ice Hockey Team which consists of South Windsor student-athletes Liliana Ficaro, Madalen Cordeiro, Charlotte Laramee, Ella Parlapiano and MacKenzie Sherwood advanced to this Friday night’s CCC Championship Game vs Southington at Trinity College at 6:15 pm. It would be great to have students come out and support the team as they seek their first CCC Title. Tickets can be purchased in advance on GOFAN.
Let us put you in the spotlight! Open auditions for the award winning show choir Choral Spectrum will be on February 26 at 6 PM. Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of it! Join the Google Classroom with code 2b7zjtr or see Mr. Martineau in the music department for more details!
South Windsor for the Local Kids is selling their club t-shirts for the annual CCMC dance marathon. Shirts are $20 and will be sold in Room 137 and on the SWFTLK Insta page from February 20th thru February 23rd.
The National Honor society will host a fundraiser at a local sandwich shop located in Evergreen walk on February 23rd from 4-8PM. All proceeds will go to NHS Special events.
Anyone interested in trying out for the Boys golf team should attend an informational meeting
Tuesday, February 27th after school in Room 168. Please see Mr. Gray in Room 168 if you have any questions or can’t attend.
Here’s a sweet way to support SWHS Boys’ Hockey: Order chocolates from the chocolate shop in Evergreen walk. Click on this link to be directed to the order form. Order now through February 25th.
The Entrepreneurship Club will meet after school in Annex Room 17 from 2:15 - 3:30 PM on Wednesday, February 28th. All are welcome, so grab a snack and come learn a little about how franchising works! Late bus passes will be available for anyone needing transportation home.
Let us put you in the spotlight! Open auditions for the award winning show choir Choral Spectrum will be on February 26 at 6 PM. Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of it! Join the Google Classroom with code 2b7zjtr or see Mr. Martineau in the music department for more details!
The National Honor society will host a fundraiser at a local sandwich shop located in Evergreen walk on February 23rd from 4-8. All proceeds will go to NHS Special events.
South Windsor for the Local Kids is selling their club t-shirts for the annual CCMC dance marathon. Shirts are $20 and will be sold in Room 137 and on the SWFTLK insta page from February 20th thru February 23rd.
Anyone interested in trying out for the Boys golf team should attend an informational meeting
Tuesday, February 27th after school in Room 168. Please see Mr. Gray in Room 168 if you have any questions or can’t attend.
The Pet Project Club will have a planning meeting after school in the Annex, Room 17, from 2:15 - 3PM on Thursday, February 22nd. All are welcome and late bus passes will be available for anyone needing transportation home.
Join us for February Cooking Club on Thursday, February 22nd in Room 105 at 2:05 PM as we create a menu to honor Black History Month, Lunar New Year, Super Bowl and Valentine's Day. We will make Pink Lemonade, spinach dip with baby carrots, pull apart hearts made of mozzarella filled dough pockets sprinkled with melted butter, freshly grated parmesan cheese and parsley, a game day cheese board with a cheeseball, assorted deli meats, cheeses, olives, crackers and spreads, Lunar New Year Pan Fried Vegetable Dumplings called Mandoo in Korean, Donuts from Ghana called Dry Bofrot (pronounced Bofruit in English) or Puff Puff, Game Day Popcorn Mix, Dark chocolate covered football and heart shaped Peanut Butter Buckeyes and Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Please bring $5 to Ms. Hwang in Room AN 37 or to Sra. Ruiz in Room AN 56 to secure your spot.
The STORM Girls Co-OP Ice Hockey Team which consists of South Windsor student-athletes Liliana Ficaro, Madalen Cordeiro, Charlotte Laramee, Ella Parlapiano and MacKenzie Sherwood advanced to this Friday night’s CCC Championship Game vs Southington at Trinity College at 6:15 pm. It would be great to have students come out and support the team as they seek their first CCC Title. Tickets can be purchased in advance on GOFAN.
Spring sports registration is now open. Registration deadline is March 5th. Registration consists of 3 parts- completing the online portion, submitting the physician statement and submitting the pay to play participation fee to the SWHS Main Office. Payment can also be made by cash, check or through www.myschoolbucks.com for a small fee. All three must be completed before March 5th to be eligible for tryouts. Late registrations are not guaranteed to be processed in time for tryouts and may result in sitting out for one day of tryouts.
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
Support SWHS Boys Hockey at a pizza restaurant located at 289 Oakland Road this Wednesday, February 21st from 4-8:30pm.
Here’s a sweet way to support SWHS Boys’ Hockey: Order chocolates from the chocolate shop in Evergreen walk. Click on this link to be directed to the order form. Order now through February 25th.
Let us put you in the spotlight! Open auditions for the award winning show choir Choral Spectrum will be on February 26 at 6 PM. Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of it! Join the Google Classroom with code 2b7zjtr or see Mr. Martineau in the music department for more details!
The National Honor society will host a fundraiser at a local sandwich shop located in Evergreen walk on February 23rd from 4-8. All proceeds will go to NHS Special events.
South Windsor for the Local Kids is selling their club t-shirts for the annual CCMC dance marathon. Shirts are $20 and will be sold in Room 137 and on the SWFTLK insta page from February 20th thru February 23rd.
Spring sports registration is now open. Registration deadline is March 5th. Registration consists of 3 parts- completing the online portion, submitting the physician statement and submitting the pay to play participation fee to the SWHS Main Office. Payment can also be made by cash, check or through www.myschoolbucks.com for a small fee. All three must be completed before March 5th to be eligible for tryouts. Late registrations are not guaranteed to be processed in time for tryouts and may result in sitting out for one day of tryouts.
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
Unified Theater will meet in Mrs. White's Room 144 on Thursday, Feb. 15 after school for their Valentine's Day party. Come for games, snacks, and all-around good time! All are welcome. See you there!
The next Japanese Club meeting is Thursday, February 15 in Room 230. We will design our own traditional Kabuki masks, watch anime and eat Japanese food.
Join us for February Cooking Club on Thursday, February 22nd in Room 105 at 2:05 PM as we create a menu to honor Black History Month, Lunar New Year, Super Bowl and Valentine's Day. We will make Pink Lemonade, spinach dip with baby carrots, pull apart hearts made of mozzarella filled dough pockets sprinkled with melted butter, freshly grated parmesan cheese and parsley, a game day cheese board with a cheeseball, assorted deli meats, cheeses, olives, crackers and spreads, Lunar New Year Pan Fried Vegetable Dumplings called Mandoo in Korean, Donuts from Ghana called Dry Bofrot (pronounced Bofruit in English) or Puff Puff, Game Day Popcorn Mix, Dark chocolate covered football and heart shaped Peanut Butter Buckeyes and Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Please bring $5 to Ms. Hwang in Room AN 37 or to Sra. Ruiz in Room AN 56 to secure your spot.
SWFTLC is hosting a fundraiser at a local round bagel shop located in Vernon on February 17th and 18th from 9 am to 12pm. Stop by and donate to a great cause. All proceeds benefit CCMC.
- February 12, 2025
- February 11, 2025
- February 10, 2025
- February 6, 2025
- February 5, 2025
- February 4, 2025
- February 3, 2025
- January 31, 2025
- January 30, 2025
- January 29, 2025