May 2023 - Posts
For students attending Senior Reception: In order to attend Senior Reception, students must be in school for at least 50% of the class periods that day. Students who arrive at 7:25 a.m. are eligible to be dismissed at 10:05 a.m. (after period 4). A link to a Google form was emailed to parents on Tuesday. Please make sure your parents complete this form in order to grant you permission to be dismissed from school early. For those students who arrive after 7:25am, please be advised that it is important for you to be in school for at least half of the school day in order for your attendance at reception to be in good standing. Failure to do so may prohibit your ability to attend. Advisors and administrators will be checking attendance throughout the day to ensure that all students attending reception meet these requirements. Senior Reception will be held at the Marriott in Windsor, CT. All students will have their bags checked upon entry into the venue. Please know, the latest students can enter reception is 7:00 p.m. Any student(s) arriving after that time will not be permitted. In addition, once students decide to leave reception for the night, they will not be readmitted.
SWHS Pet Project Club is hosting their last donation drive of the school year from May 30th to June 2nd. All donations will go to Pack Leaders Rescue of CT. Bins will be located around the school for your donations. Cat and dog treats, pet food, cleaning supplies and paper towels are appreciated.
Applications are now available for CT Girls State, CT Boys State and CT State Police Youth Week for Summer 2023 programming for current 11th graders. Please find information and applications here: and here: This is the last week to complete an application, as the deadline is approaching quickly. For questions and/or support with the applications, please visit the SWHS Career Center.
For students attending Senior Reception: In order to attend Senior Reception, students must be in school for at least 50% of the class periods that day. Students who arrive at 7:25 a.m. are eligible to be dismissed at 10:05 a.m. (after period 4). A link to a Google form was emailed to parents on Tuesday. Please make sure your parents complete this form in order to grant you permission to be dismissed from school early. For those students who arrive after 7:25 a.m., please be advised that it is important for you to be in school for at least half of the school day in order for your attendance at reception to be in good standing. Failure to do so may prohibit your ability to attend. Advisors and administrators will be checking attendance throughout the day to ensure that all students attending reception meet these requirements. Senior Reception will be held at the Marriott in Windsor, CT. All students will have their bags checked upon entry into the venue. Please know, the latest students can enter reception is 7:00 p.m. Any student(s) arriving after that time will not be permitted. In addition, once students decide to leave reception for the night, they will not be readmitted.
There will be a mandatory meeting for those students enrolled in AP Chemistry for the 2023-2024 school year on Monday, June 5th at 2pm in Room 223. Summer work will be assigned. Please see Mrs. Powell if you cannot attend.
SWHS Pet Project Club is hosting their last donation drive of the school year from May 30th to June 2nd. All donations will go to Pack Leaders Rescue of CT. Bins will be located around the school for your donations. Cat and dog treats, pet food, cleaning supplies and paper towels are appreciated.
Applications are now available for CT Girls State, CT Boys State and CT State Police Youth Week for Summer 2023 programming for current 11th graders. Please find information and applications here: and here: This is the last week to complete an application, as the deadline is approaching quickly. For questions and/or support with the applications, please visit the SWHS Career Center.
The Islamic Club will meet on Tuesday, May 30th right after school in Room 227. Please join using Google Classroom code: i7bdywc. If you have questions, contact Mr. Ly (Lee) in Room 227 or Maya Kharboush.
SWHS Pet Project Club is hosting their last donation drive of the school year from May 30th to June 2nd. All donations will go to Pack Leaders Rescue of CT. Bins will be located around the school for your donations. Cat and dog treats, pet food, cleaning supplies and paper towels are appreciated.
It's time for the Unified Theater show on Tuesday, June 6 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium. Come help us FILL THE SEATS for this free completely original show, just 1 hour long!
The Islamic Club will meet on Tuesday, May 30th right after school in Room 227. Please join using Google Classroom code: i7bdywc. If you have questions, contact Mr. Ly (Lee) in Room 227 or Maya Kharboush.
If you ordered track and field apparel, your order can be picked up today, May 26th. See Mr. Savvides in Room 11. Orders can be picked up in the morning and after school.
It's time for the Unified Theater show on Tuesday, June 6 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium. Come help us FILL THE SEATS for this free completely original show, just 1 hour long!
If you ordered track and field apparel, your order can be picked today and Friday. See Mr. Savvides in Room 11. Orders can be picked up in the morning and after school.
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for April! These students were nominated by their teachers for excellence in one or more categories of Portrait of a Graduate. Please congratulate them on their accomplishment!
Grade 12: Krishnan Subramanian and Ciera Green
Grade 11: Alyssa Drenga and Aryan Prem
Grade 10: Aditya Jha and Brandon Arbouche
Grade 9: Madilyn Wayner and Nishigandha Bhambure
On Monday, Girls Track and Field competed in the conference championship, coming in 4th place. Congratulations to Sophia McCormack, who was all-conference in discus, and these medalists in their events: Audrey Manning, Serena Thaker, Olivia Petgrave, Grace Smith, Alyssa Drenga, Katie Dunn, London Bascomb, Maya Hathorn, Mallory Mead, Valerie Turgeon, and Bridget Carroll.
Just a reminder that Wednesday, May 24th is the last day for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students to turn in Attendance Appeal Request forms. If you have questions about if you need to submit this form please connect with your School Counselor. Completed forms should be turned into the Main Office.
Seniors: Please help Mrs. Barrett say your name correctly at graduation. See the Google form posted in Classroom under graduation to see how you can let her know. Please see Mrs. Barrett in Room 122A with any questions.
Goodbye Winter, hello Spring! Flowers are blooming and so are our savings! Everything is 10% off at our Bobcat Shop Spring Sale! - Come during period 5 lunch waves and stock up on the official Bobcat gear! Sale ends May 31st.
Senator Chris Murphy is sponsoring a Senate page for the fall 2023 semester. Senate pages complete tasks such as delivering correspondence, preparing the Senate chamber for sessions, and delivering bills and amendments to Senate staff. Pages attend classes through an accredited Page School to continue their high school credits while spending the semester in Washington, DC and living in a dormitory setting. Pages must be 16 or 17 and in their Junior year of high school during the time they are working. For complete information on additional criteria and how to apply, please see Mrs. Carty as soon as possible. This is a competitive application process and all materials are due by Friday, May 26th.
SWHS Pet Project Club is hosting their last donation drive of the school year from May 30th to June 2nd. All donations will go to Pack Leaders Rescue of CT. Bins will be located around the school for your donations. Cat and dog treats, pet food, cleaning supplies and paper towels are appreciated.
The Connecticut Congressional Delegation announces the 2023 Military Services Academy Night in Middletown, CT on Wednesday, May 24th at 5 PM. Students in grades 9 through 11 who are interested in learning more about our nation’s military academies should attend this night. Visit the website of any Connecticut Congressional Delegate or see the flier in the Career Center for more information.
Seniors: Please help Mrs. Barrett say your name correctly at graduation. See the Google form posted in Classroom under graduation to see how you can let her know. Please see Mrs. Barrett in Room 122A with any questions.
The Connecticut Congressional Delegation announces the 2023 Military Services Academy Night in Middletown, CT on Wednesday, May 24th at 5 p.m. Students in grades 9 through 11 who are interested in learning more about our nation’s military academies should attend this night. Visit the website of any Connecticut Congressional Delegate or see the flier in the Career Center for more information.
An athletic survey which takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete will be given to all spring athletes in the SWHS Café at 2:00 p.m. this Friday May 19th for the following sports:
Friday 5/19:
Boys Lacrosse
Girls and Boys Tennis
Girls and Boys Track
Girls and Boys Golf
Boys Volleyball
*The same survey will be given to athletes in the sports of Baseball and Girls Lacrosse on Tuesday 5/23 at 2:00 p.m. in the SWHS café.
Be sure to vote for Class Officers and Student Council Officers today. Use your classes Google Classroom and voting is open until 7:00 p.m.
Just a reminder that Friday, May 19th is the last day for Seniors to turn in Attendance Appeal Request forms. If you have questions about if you need to submit this form please connect with your School Counselor. Completed forms should be turned into the Main Office.
On Thursday, May 18th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., the South Windsor Registrar of Voters will be holding a Voter Registration Drive in the Lobby of SWHS. There will be an opportunity for eligible individuals to register to vote and to learn about the process of registering. Please reach out to Mrs. Slogesky, Social Studies Curriculum Specialist, with any questions.
SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance) will meet this Thursday, 5/18, at 2 p.m. in Room 148. We will be planning our annual Pride celebration, as well as exploring ideas and leadership for the new year. Whether you've been to every meeting or this will be your first, we welcome you to attend-- all are welcome!
- February 18, 2025
- February 13, 2025
- February 12, 2025
- February 11, 2025
- February 10, 2025
- February 6, 2025
- February 5, 2025
- February 4, 2025
- February 3, 2025
- January 31, 2025