September 2023 - Posts
Attention Seniors who want to try for the Seal of Biliteracy in a language that you have learned at home, please make sure you have joined the Google Classroom with Dr. Stoj to receive all of the important information. Join code is lpyzmu7. Deadline to join is November 17th.
Having trouble in one of your classes? NHS students are here to help! They offer free tutoring in any subject with flexible hours. To request a tutor, go to the NHS website on the Clubs and Activities page and fill out the Google Form.
Student Council needs your help. We are looking for t-shirt designs that encompass the new SWHS campus, incorporating both the high school and annex buildings. The theme is “2 buildings, one community”. We want to stick with school colors of maroon, gold, white and black for the t-shirt and are looking for one design on the front of the shirt. Please submit t-shirt designs by October 13th at 2 pm using the custom link in your Google classroom. See Ms. Ullinger with questions.
The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club will hold an informational meeting on Wed., October 4th at 7am in the Auditorium. All current members and those interested in learning more about the club are invited to attend. The SADD Club tackles issues like distracted driving, drug and alcohol prevention, mental health and positive school climate. We also spread messages of kindness, respect and unity. The classroom code is pg47m6k.
The Sophomore Class will have a fundraiser at a local burger restaurant in Evergreen Walk this Monday, October 2 from 11 am - 10 pm. Take a photo of one of the flyers around school or use the code DONATE25 when ordering.
The first meeting for STEAM Forward will be held after school in Room 227 on Monday, October 2nd. Join the Google Classroom for more information: ohbtqxl. Please see me Mr. Ly (Lee) and Guru Seenivasan if you have questions.
The Bobcat Bowling Club session 1 Starts October 4th. The Bowling club meets every Wednesday from October 4th thru November 1st. Pick up a permission slip in Room 168 or join the google classroom, Code 65yudm. See Mr. Gray in Room 168 with questions or concerns.
Interact will hold its October meeting for both veteran and NEW members on Thursday, October 5th, in the SWHS library from 2:10-2:45pm. Attendance for this meeting is mandatory for new members, please make sure you arrive on time.
The first meeting for the Cricket club will be held after school in Room 227 on Thursday, October 5th. Join the Google Classroom for more information: 24wq37s. Please see Mr. Ly (Lee) if you have questions.
National Honor Society is currently inviting eligible candidates to complete the selection process. If you are a junior or senior who has a cumulative, weighted GPA of at least 3.75, you should receive a letter in the mail notifying you of your candidacy. If you do not receive a letter but think you qualify, please see Mrs. Leone in Room 204.
Do you want to help people have access to clean drinking water? Join the Water Launch Club! Our next meeting is Thursday, October 5th in Annex room 35 right after school. Snacks will be served. Join our Google Classroom: wgakxlm
Our next SAGA meeting will take place Wednesday, October 4 after school in Room 129. New members are welcome.
Having trouble in one of your classes? NHS students are here to help! They offer free tutoring in any subject with flexible hours. To request a tutor, go to the NHS website on the Clubs and Activities page and fill out the Google Form.
Calling all SWHS artistic students - We are looking for t-shirt designs that encompass the new SWHS campus, incorporating both the high school and annex buildings. The theme is “2 buildings, one community”. We want to stick with school colors of maroon, gold, white and black for the t-shirt and are looking for one design on the front of the shirt. Please submit t-shirt designs by October 13th at 2 pm. The Student Council body will vote and the favorite t-shirt designs will be sent to Mr. Rizzuto to be printed. Please use the custom ink link provided on your class Google Classroom page to design your shirt. Please see Ms. Ullinger in Room 166 with questions.
Interact will hold its October meeting for both veteran and NEW members on Thursday, October 5th, in the SWHS library from 2:10-2:45pm. Attendance for this meeting is mandatory for new members, please make sure you arrive on time.
Rho Kappa applications now available: Rho Kappa, The National Social Studies Honor Society, is currently inviting eligible Juniors and Seniors to apply for this opportunity. The application form will be posted and shared by your Social Studies teachers in the google classroom. Additional information can be found on the application. If you are interested, but not currently in a Social Studies class please email Mrs. Slogesky, [email protected], Mrs. Simcik, [email protected], or Mr. Garrish [email protected] The deadline for the application is Friday September 29th.
The National Honor Society is currently inviting eligible candidates to complete the selection process. If you are a junior or senior who has a cumulative, weighted GPA of at least 3.75, you should receive a letter in the mail notifying you of your candidacy. If you do not receive a letter but think you qualify, please see Mrs. Leone in Room 204.
Do you want to help people have access to clean drinking water? Join the Water Launch Club! Our next meeting is Thursday, October 5th in Annex room 35 right after school. Snacks will be served. Join our Google Classroom: wgakxlm
Our next SAGA meeting will take place Wednesday, October 4 after school in room 129. New members are always welcome.
The Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology will host a Smart Manufacturing Careers Tour at Goodwin University on Wednesday, October 4th from 3-6 PM for high school students interested in learning more about a future in manufacturing. Students will have the opportunity to explore state-of-the-art manufacturing labs, learn more about the manufacturing programs offered at GU, and meet with industry ambassadors from innovative companies throughout CT. There is a flier in the Career Center with a QR code and contact information to learn more and RSVP to the program.
Attention Fall Athletes: Morning access to the locker rooms will only be available from the Hall of Achievement between 7:15 – 7:25 am. Please wait in the Hall of Achievement when you arrive at school.
Having trouble in one of your classes? NHS students are here to help! They offer free tutoring in any subject with flexible hours. To request a tutor, go to the NHS website on the Clubs and Activities page and fill out the Google Form.
The Equity Committee will meet on Thursday September 28th at 2:15 in Room 103. All are welcome.
The first meeting for STEAM Forward will be held after school in Room 227 on Monday, October 2nd. Join the Google Classroom for more information: ohbtqxl. Please see me Mr. Ly (Lee) and Guru Seenivasan if you have questions.
Rho Kappa applications now available: Rho Kappa, The National Social Studies Honor Society, is currently inviting eligible Juniors and Seniors to apply for this opportunity. The application form will be posted and shared by your Social Studies teachers in the google classroom. Additional information can be found on the application. If you are interested, but not currently in a Social Studies class please email Mrs. Slogesky, [email protected], Mrs. Simcik, [email protected], or Mr. Garrish [email protected] The deadline for the application is Friday September 29th.
The Bobcat Bowling Club session 1 Starts October 4th. The Bowling club meets every Wednesday from October 4th thru November 1st. Pick up a permission slip in Room 168 or join the google classroom, Code 65yudm. See Mr. Gray in Room 168 with questions or concerns.
The Badminton Club is meeting today in Room 256. Please join us for our first meeting where we will answer your questions. We are also looking for a Student Training Coordinator.
Student pictures and ids will be distributed today during lunch waves in the Main Lobby.
Spectrum Band Auditions- Open auditions for the award-winning rock band Spectrum Band will be held on Thursday, September 28th after school in the Band Room from 2 to 4 PM. Join the Google classroom for information: Class Code dijh4vk.
The Equity Committee will meet on Thursday September 28th at 2:15 in Room 103. All are welcome.
The first meeting for STEAM Forward will be held after school in Room 227 on Monday, October 2nd. Join the Google Classroom for more information: ohbtqxl. Please see me Mr. Ly (Lee) and Guru Seenivasan if you have questions.
The Strategy Club will meet today after school in the back of the media center. Come join us for Dungeons & Dragons, Board Games, and Magic the Gathering.
Interested in learning more about healthcare? Join the HOPE (Healthcare Occupations and Professional Education) club. Our introductory meeting is September 28th at 2pm in the Media Center. Join our google classroom using the code eekakts
The Badminton Club’s first meeting is September 28th in Room 256. Join google classroom with code 44h6wmz to learn more.
The Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology will host a Smart Manufacturing Careers Tour at Goodwin University on Wednesday, October 4th from 3-6 PM for high school students interested in learning more about a future in manufacturing. Students will have the opportunity to explore state-of-the-art manufacturing labs, learn more about the manufacturing programs offered at GU, and meet with industry ambassadors from innovative companies throughout CT. There is a flier in the Career Center with a QR code and contact information to learn more and RSVP to the program.
Attention Fall Athletes: Morning access to the locker rooms will only be available from the Hall of Achievement between 7:15 – 7:25 am. Please wait in the Hall of Achievement when you arrive at school.
Spectrum Band Auditions- Open auditions for the award-winning rock band Spectrum Band will be held on Thursday, September 28th after school in the Band Room from 2 to 4 PM. Join the Google classroom for information: Class Code dijh4vk.
Are you interested in registering to vote or learning more about the process? We are holding a voter registration drive on Tuesday, September 26th, in front of the Cafeteria. Stop by during your lunch wave and there will be the opportunity to learn more or for eligible students to register. Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th this year.Please see your Social Studies teacher, or students Jordan Cosman and Colin Grip for more information.
If you ordered school pictures, please pick them up in the hallway between the Cafeteria and Main Office on Wednesday, September 27th.
The Equity Committee will meet on Thursday September 28th at 2:15 in room 103. All are welcome.
Did you know that Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam cups yearly??? You can help reduce that number. Join the Environmental Club. We meet tomorrow, Sept 27th, at 2:10pm in Room 206. We've had over 60 teachers sign up for recycle boxes so we could use lots of hands. Join our google classroom at 5SZWFAH for meeting updates and coming events. Check out our display case in the Science Hallway for updates and weekly environmental facts.
Rho Kappa applications now available: Rho Kappa, The National Social Studies Honor Society, is currently inviting eligible Juniors and Seniors to apply for this opportunity. The application form will be posted and shared by your Social Studies teachers in the google classroom. Additional information can be found on the application. If you are interested, but not currently in a Social Studies class please email Mrs. Slogesky, [email protected], Mrs. Simcik, [email protected], or Mr. Garrish [email protected] The deadline for the application is Friday September 29th.
Attention Seniors: the first wave of Capstone presentations will be held on Thursday, October 12th. In order to present, you must submit your written work by Friday, September 29th to your advisor's Google Classroom. Your adviser will score it and if you earn a successful or highly successful score, you will be eligible to present. Finally, you must fill out the Google Form that is posted on the Capstone Website to be scheduled for a timeslot on the 12th. Reach out to your adviser with any questions.
Spectrum Band Auditions- Open auditions for the award-winning rock band Spectrum Band will be held on Thursday, September 28th after school in the Band Room from 2 to 4 PM. Join the Google classroom for information: Class Code dijh4vk.
Are you interested in registering to vote or learning more about the process? We are holding a voter registration drive on Tuesday, September 26th, in front of the Cafeteria. Stop by during your lunch wave and there will be the opportunity to learn more or for eligible students to register. Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th this year. Please see your Social Studies teacher, or students Jordan Cosman and Colin Grip for more information.
If you ordered school pictures, please pick them up in the hallway between the Cafeteria and Main Office on Wednesday, September 27th.
The Academic Support Club is open Monday through Thursday from 2 to 3:30pm. Come to Room ANNEX 12 and get help with your homework. See Mrs. Barrett with questions.
Interested in learning more about healthcare? Join the HOPE (Healthcare Occupations and Professional Education) club. Our introductory meeting is September 28th at 2pm in the Media Center. Join our google classroom using the code eekakts
The following colleges are scheduled to visit South Windsor High School next week: Springfield College, Wesleyan University, Nova Southeastern University, Lasell University, Calvin University, University of Connecticut, Southern Connecticut State University, Roanoke College, Salve Regina University, and the University of Chicago. Check Naviance for dates and times. Many of these visits will be held in the Media Center or Seminar Room. Locations will be posted outside the Career Center.
Attention Fall Athletes: Morning access to the locker rooms will only be available from the Hall of Achievement between 7:15 – 7:25 am. Please wait in the Hall of Achievement when you arrive at school.
Attention Seniors: the first wave of Capstone presentations will be held on Thursday, October 12th. In order to present, you must submit your written work by Friday, September 29th to your advisor's Google Classroom. Your adviser will score it and if you earn a score of successful or highly successful you will be eligible to present. Finally, you must fill out the Google Form that is posted on the Capstone Website to be scheduled for a timeslot on the 12th. Reach out to your adviser with any questions.
Are you interested in registering to vote or learning more about the process? We are holding a voter registration drive on Tuesday, September 26th, in front of the Cafeteria. Stop by during your lunch wave and there will be the opportunity to learn more or for eligible students to register. Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th this year.Please see your Social Studies teacher, or students Jordan Cosman and Colin Grip for more information.
Rho Kappa applications now available: Rho Kappa, The National Social Studies Honor Society, is currently inviting eligible Juniors and Seniors to apply for this opportunity. The application form will be posted and shared by your Social Studies teachers in the google classroom. Additional information can be found on the application. If you are interested, but not currently in a Social Studies class please email Mrs. Slogesky, [email protected], Mrs. Simcik, [email protected], or Mr. Garrish [email protected] The deadline for the application is Friday September 29th.
The Academic Support Club is now open Monday to Thursday from 2 to 3:30! Come to Room AN 12 and get help with your homework. See Mrs. Barrett with questions.
Open auditions for the tenor/bass a cappella ensemble Understaffed will be held on September 21st in the Choir Room at 6:30 PM. Join the Google classroom for information! Class code 66ciadf.
FBLA will meet today at 2:10 in Room AN 15. Membership fee is due. See Ms. Cruz with any questions.
SWHS Pet Project Club’s first meeting is today in ANNEX 17. If you’re looking to get involved in a club that supports local animal rescues by coordinating supply drives and fund raising efforts, join us from 2:15-2:45 when we will plan our first project this year. Join our Google Classroom with the code qcznmxn.
The Black Student Alliance (BSA) has its first meeting today in Room 205 from 2:15-3:15. Interested students are encouraged to join the Google Classroom using code: ecwnhhf. Please see Mrs. Bravo, Mrs. Davis, Nafissa Ly, or Lota Onyia for questions.
The SWHS Equity Committee will meet Thursday,September 21st, at 2:15 in Room 103. Please attend if you are interested in diversity, equity and inclusion. See Mr. Zeuschner if you have any questions.
The Water Launch Club’s first organizational meeting on Thursday, September 21st, right after school in Annex Room 35. Join our Google Classroom Code: wgakxlm. See Mrs. Zaccardelli with any questions.
The first meeting of the year for Unified for Underprivileged Girls is on Thursday, September 21st, right after school. Location is to be determined. New and returning members are welcome. Unified for Underprivileged Girls focuses on raising money for our pen pals in Kenya and discussing women's empowerment topics. Join our google classroom with the code jzhzw3g.
The Robotics Team’s first meeting for new students is today from 2:00-2:30 in Room 12.
The Cooking Club’s first meal is based on the themes of Fair Foods and Hispanic favorites as a tribute to Hispanic Heritage Month. Join us on Thursday, September 21st at 2:05 PM in Room 105 at SWHS. We will make: Pipirrana (A Vegetable Salad served with pita chips) Cheese Quesadillas, Arroz Con Pollo (Chicken and Rice), Magdalenas (Lemon Muffins), Salted, Caramel Popcorn and Air Fried Oreos.
Bring $5 to Sra. Ruiz in Room AN 56 or to Sra. Hwang in Room AN 37 to reserve your spot. There are only 18 openings so reserve as soon as possible! New members please join our Google Classroom with the code: qbbr632.
Now that college visits are underway, here are a few reminders: Students should sign up in Naviance to attend. Go to your Naviance home screen and look under “What’s New” on the bottom right of your screen. All visits are posted; follow links to register. If you are signed up to attend, please mark a calendar and remember to arrive on time. Lastly, check in with your teachers beforehand to make sure they are okay with you missing class. Remaining visits this week are University of New Haven, Merrimack College and Saint Anselm College. Check Naviance or the many boards around school for upcoming visits.
The media center will close at 2PM due to senior portraits.
The first meeting for SAGA, the Sexuality and Gender Alliance, will be held after school in Room 129 on Wednesday, September 20th. All are welcome.
The SWHS Equity Committee will meet Thursday September 21st at 2:15 in Room 103. Please attend if you are interested in diversity, equity and inclusion. See Mr. Zeuschner if you have any questions.
South Windsor for the Local Kids will have their first informational meeting this Tuesday, September 19th, in the Media Center Classroom from 2:15 - 2:45. Our Google Code is ccuxc73.
Rho Kappa applications now available: Rho Kappa, The National Social Studies Honor Society, is currently inviting eligible Juniors and Seniors to apply for this opportunity. The application form will be posted and shared by your Social Studies teachers in the google classroom. Additional information can be found on the application. If you are interested, but not currently in a Social Studies class please email Mrs. Slogesky, [email protected], Mrs. Simcik, [email protected], or Mr. Garrish [email protected] The deadline for the application is Friday September 29th.
The Robotics Team’s first meeting for new students is on Wednesday, September 20th, from 2:00-2:30 in Room 12.
Open auditions for the tenor/bass a cappella ensemble Understaffed will be held on September 21st in the Choir Room at 6:30 PM. Join the Google classroom for information! Class code 66ciadf.
Spectrum Band Auditions- Open auditions for the award-winning rock band Spectrum Band will be held on Thursday, September 28th after school in the Band Room from 2 to 4 PM. Join the Google classroom for information: Class Code dijh4vk.
The first meeting for SAGA, the Sexuality and Gender Alliance, will be held after school in Room 129 on Wednesday, September 20th. All are welcome.
The SWHS Equity Committee will meet Thursday September 21st at 2:15 in Room 103. Please attend if you are interested in diversity, equity and inclusion. See Mr. Zeuschner if you have any questions.
The Academic Support Club begins today, September 18th in ANNEX 12. We are looking for National Honor Society juniors and seniors to hire as tutors. We pay minimum wage and we meet every Monday to Thursday from 2 to 3:30. You will only have to work one day a week. Any NHS members who are interested, please see or email Mrs. Barrett at [email protected]. Also, anyone interested in joining - we provide a drink and a snack and help you with your homework. To join, look for the Google Form on the high school homepage.
The FSLA club will meet on Mondays starting September 18th. If you are interested in teaching and learning about all things STEM, come join us in Room 212 from 2:05-2:40pm.
The first French Club meeting of the year will be held today, September 18th, right after school in Room 227. We will discuss club leadership opportunities and activities. Join our Google Classroom using Code v42j6mm to sign up. Please see Mr. Ly (Lee) or Bhaavni Krishna if you have questions in Room 227.
Rho Kappa applications now available: Rho Kappa, The National Social Studies Honor Society, is currently inviting eligible Juniors and Seniors to apply for this opportunity. The application form will be posted and shared by your Social Studies teachers in the google classroom. Additional information can be found on the application. If you are interested, but not currently in a Social Studies class please email Mrs. Slogesky, [email protected], Mrs. Simcik, [email protected], or Mr. Garrish [email protected] The deadline for the application is Friday September 29th.
Unified for Underprivileged Girls’ first meeting of the year is on Thursday, September 21st, right after school. Location is to be determined. New and returning members are welcome. Unified for Underprivileged Girls focuses on raising money for our pen pals in Kenya and discussing women's empowerment topics. Join our google classroom with the code jzhzw3g.
The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club is getting ready for another great year of prevention, programs and outreach. If you are interested in learning more about the club, join the 23-24 Classroom with code: pg47m6k. More information will be posted soon.
The Cooking Club’s first meal is based on the themes of Fair Foods and Hispanic favorites as a tribute to Hispanic Heritage Month. Join us on Thursday, September 21st at 2:05 PM in Room 105 at SWHS. We will make: Pipirrana (A Vegetable Salad served with pita chips) Cheese Quesadillas, Arroz Con Pollo (Chicken and Rice), Magdalenas (Lemon Muffins), Salted, Caramel Popcorn and Air Fried Oreos.
Bring $5 to Sra. Ruiz in Room AN 56 or to Sra. Hwang in Room AN 37 to reserve your spot. There are only 18 openings so reserve as soon as possible! New members please join our Google Classroom with the code: qbbr632.
There are several new job postings in the Career Center. Please stop by to check out the bulletin board and take photos of any flier that interests you. There are jobs in retail, daycare, tutoring, food service, and more!
Tomorrow’s college visits will be University of Rochester at 8:45 and Endicott College at 11:15. Both visits will take place in the Career Center.
- February 18, 2025
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- January 31, 2025