The Math Team’s first meeting will be on Friday, September 20, at 2:10pm in Room 265. Please bring a charged Chromebook. If you cannot attend or have questions, please contact Mr. Brindisi. Join the Math Team Google Classroom for more information with code re34gao.
Clay Club will meet this Thursday 2-3:30 in Room 6. Join our google classroom (nxcf56d) for updates.
The Outing Club’s first hike is on Sunday, October 6th. We will be hiking in Giuffrida Park in Meriden. Please pick up a permission slip from Ms. Andrews (Rm 264) or Mrs. Lynch (Rm 254). Permission slips and payments are due by September 25th. You can also print the permission slip from the Outing Club Google classroom using code: 4tcoiwm
SAGA, the Sexuality and Gender Alliance, has postponed its first meeting to next Monday, September 23rd, after school in Room 129.
The September Cooking Club Day will be on Thursday, September 26th at 2:00 PM in Room 105 at SWHS. We will feature French cuisine this month. Please bring $5 to Sra. Ruiz in AN 56 or to Sra. Hwang in AN 37 to reserve your spot today.
Instructors of the Handicapped, a swim program for disabled adults and children, is looking for High School volunteer instructors. Attend an informational meeting Sunday, September 29th, 1:00 pm at Manchester High School Pool. Contact Jenna Adams @ 860-836-5982 if interested. Community Service credits are available upon request.