September 23, 2024 



The 9th Grade Class of 2028 will have a meeting for anyone who is interested in running for office on Thursday, September 26th at 2:15 in Annex 12. We will explain the Candidate Application Form, Deadlines, Responsibilities of officers and our Bylaws. Any questions, please see Mrs. Barrett in Annex 12. 




The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club will host an introductory meeting on Wednesday, September 25th from 7-7:20am in the Auditorium. Join the 24-25 SADD Classroom with code: ajzqpsw 


The HOPE Club’s first meeting is on Thursday, September 26th after school in the Seminar Room. Come learn how the HOPE club can help you explore career opportunities in healthcare, learn hands-on medical skills, volunteer, get involved with the blood drives, and learn from guest speakers. Join our google classroom using the code on the flyers posted around the school. 


The September Cooking Club Day will be on Thursday, September 26th at 2:00 PM in Room 105 at SWHS. We will feature French cuisine this month. Please bring $5 to Sra. Ruiz in AN 56 or to Sra. Hwang in AN 37 to reserve your spot today. 


The Outing Club’s first hike is on Sunday, October 6th. We will be hiking in Giuffrida Park in Meriden. Please pick up a permission slip from Ms. Andrews (Rm 264) or Mrs. Lynch (Rm 254). Permission slips and payments are due by September 25th. You can also print the permission slip from the Outing Club Google classroom using code: 4tcoiwm


The High School's Writing Club, The Art of Storytelling Club, will meet Wednesday, September 25, after school until 3 pm in Room 144. See Mrs. White for more info. 


The Strategy Club will meet after school on Monday in Room 149A. New members should join the Google Classroom using code: bb3btdn and complete the new members survey as soon as possible.


SAGA, the Sexuality and Gender Alliance, has postponed its first meeting to next Monday, September 23rd, after school in Room 129. 




The Career Center will host a series of 6 Workshop Wednesdays throughout the year to help students prepare for life after high school. The first workshop is on Wednesday, September 25th after school in the Career Center. Please sign up by e-mailing or speaking to Mrs. Carty in the Career Center. 


The Science National Honor Society is beginning its second year!

To become a member of SNHS, you must have a 3.0 overall unweighted GPA, a 3.5 unweighted GPA in all science classes, and be currently enrolled in an advanced-level science course. Invitation letters will be sent via mail and email to all eligible juniors and seniors. If you didn’t get an invitation but are still interested, please fill out the application form that will be posted in your grade-level Google classrooms. For more information please contact Mrs. Davis in Room 205 or email [email protected]

Posted by spoinelli On 20 September, 2024 at 12:19 PM