On Wednesday September 25th Junior and Senior IDs will be distributed in the Lobby during lunch waves. Ninth and tenth grade IDs will be distributed Thursday September 26th in the Lobby during lunch waves.
The Academic Resource Center (the former Academic Support Club) is now open! If you need help with homework or with studying for a test, please join! We meet every Monday to Thursday from 2 to 3:30 in AN12. A snack and water will be provided. NHS tutors are available to help each day. Please note that there are no late buses on Tuesdays. See Mrs. Barrett with questions
The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club will host an introductory meeting on Wednesday, September 25th from 7-7:20am in the Auditorium. Join the 24-25 SADD Classroom with code: ajzqpsw
The French club, Le Lynx, will meet Wednesday, September 25, after school until 3 pm in Room 227. See Mr. Ly or Bhaavni Krishna for more info.
Interact Club will meet on September 26th from 2:10 until 2:40 in the Library Media Center. We will go over information about the club and volunteer opportunities for the year.
The HOPE Club’s first meeting is on Thursday, September 26th after school in the Seminar Room. Come learn how the HOPE club can help you explore career opportunities in healthcare, learn hands-on medical skills, volunteer, get involved with the blood drives, and learn from guest speakers. Join our google classroom using the code on the flyers posted around the school.
The Jewish American Heritage Club is hosting its first meeting on Thursday, September 26th from 2:15-2:45pm. Join using google classroom code: bofyc7h See Mrs. Rafalowsky in Room 104 for more info.
The High School's Writing Club, The Art of Storytelling Club, will meet Wednesday, September 25, after school until 3 pm in Room 144. See Mrs. White for more info.
Just a reminder that Bryant University will be here today at 12:30 in the Career Center. Southern Connecticut State and High Point University will visit tomorrow. Be sure to sign up if you’d like to attend!
The Student Council is calling on all of you to vote for this year's Homecoming Spirit Week! We have a wide variety of potential spirit days for you to choose from! Select 3 of them to cast your vote! Go to your class Google Classroom page to fill out the School Wide Spirit Week Vote Form. The form will close by the end of the school day on Tuesday and the results will be announced on Friday, 9/27. Make sure to cast your vote before the end of Bobcat Block today!!!