The Academic Resource Center (the former Academic Support Club) is now open! If you need help with homework or with studying for a test, please join! We meet every Monday to Thursday from 2 to 3:30 in AN12. A snack and water will be provided. NHS tutors are available to help each day. Please note that there are no late buses on Tuesdays. See Mrs. Barrett with questions.
The Homecoming dance will be on Friday, October 18th from 7-10pm. Tickets are $16, and can be purchased online from Tuesday, October 8th through Tuesday, October 15th. Details will be provided on your grade level Google Classroom. We will not be able to accommodate guests due to our growing enrollment. Please see Ms. Goslin in Room 233 with questions.
The Physics Bowl club is having its first meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd, right after school in room 233. Whether you’re really good at physics or just getting started, this club welcomes everyone. In the club, you’ll be practicing problem-solving, discussing interesting concepts, and preparing for the national Physics Bowl competition. For more details, talk to Miss Goslin in Room 233.
The South Windsor for the Local Kids Club is looking for members who are enthusiastic about raising money for the Nicki Cartier Donor Drive to support CCMC. Sign up in Google Classroom with code xm3b4ae. Our first meeting is after school on Wednesday, October 2 in Room 265. Please make every effort to attend if you may be interested in participating this year. See Mrs. Brindisi in school counseling or Mr. Brindisi in Room 265 with questions.
The Bowling Club starts October 2nd after school at a local bowling alley on Route 5. See Mr. Gray in Room 168 for a permission slip or with any questions. Use classroom code mh7qo4.
The application window for the INSPIRING WOMEN IN ENGINEERING AND MEDICINE workshop at the Musculoskeletal Institute (MSI) at UConn Health in Farmington, CT is open now thru October 10th. It will take place on Saturday, October 26th. For information on how to apply, please see the flier hanging on the Special Programs board in the Career Center or ask Mrs. Carty.
SWHS’s Field Hockey team will be hosting a fundraiser on Wednesday, October 2nd from 3PM to 9PM at an American grill restaurant located at 855 Sullivan Avenue. A percent of the profits will go to the team.