November 26, 2024 



Holiday Shopping, Bobcat Edition! Enjoy free gift wrapping and 10% off online orders at the Bobcat Shop on Black Monday Dec. 2. Visit our catalog found on the school website to pick the perfect holiday gift!


The 9th Grade Class of 2028 is hosting a fundraiser at SUBWAY at 1006 Sullivan Avenue on December 4th from 4-7 PM. Please stop by and support the 9th Grade Class of 2028!




Attention hikers, permission slips for the hike at Penwood Forest are due by Tuesday, December 3rd. See Ms. Andrews (room 264) or Mrs. Lynch (room 254) to pick up or drop off your permission slips.


The HOPE Club’s December meeting is Thursday 12/5 after school in Room 207. Come explore careers in healthcare and create medical inspired shrinky dink keychains or ornaments! We will also be sharing more information about our upcoming volunteer opportunities. Anyone is welcome to join! Join our Google Classroom with code eekakts for more information.

Posted by spoinelli On 25 November, 2024 at 1:39 PM