January 7, 2025 



The South Windsor Teen Center is open for South Windsor High School Students to hang out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. We are open from 2pm to 4:30pm. We are putting a new policy in place for snacks. When you arrive, please sign in with your first and last name, you will be given 2 tickets to choose your free snacks. If you would like additional snacks they will be $1.00 for 2 snacks or $.50 cents for one.  

Most important: In order to receive a late bus pass from the Teen Center, you MUST be here before 2:30 and stay at the Teen Center until the late bus arrives here. There will no longer be exceptions to this rule.

We will also have a high school Youth Council meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 from 5pm-6pm. Please come to the Teen Center to talk about volunteer opportunities, leadership skills and teamwork building. Join our Youth Council to make your dreams a reality.  


We look forward to seeing you here at the Teen Center in 2025!




The Class of 2027 is hosting a fundraiser at Chipotle, 11 Cedar Avenue, South Windsor on January 7th from 4 to 9 pm.




Seniors – if you are planning to attend college next year, it’s time to start thinking about scholarships! They are being updated or added to Naviance on a daily basis right now. Ones to focus on – Big Y and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. Both are local and are due by the end of January. The Hartford Foundation offers a great program with access to dozens of scholarships, 2 of which are for South Windsor students only. Find scholarships in Naviance under the Colleges tab. Click on Scholarships & Money, and the Scholarship Search.


Another reminder to seniors – if you have recently received a college acceptance, full-time job offer, or enlisted in the military for next year, be sure to fill out the form in your Grade 12 Google Classroom. This news will be announced in our monthly newsletter and shared on the screens outside School Counseling and Main Lobby.

Posted by spoinelli On 06 January, 2025 at 1:19 PM