January 8, 2025 



Hey Bobcats! If your work is piling up and midterms are starting to stress you out, come to the Writing Center for help with your writing assignments! We are open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2-3 in Room 125 and 122B. See Mrs. Howard or Mr. Hawie with questions.


The National Honor Society will hold a midterm review session on Monday, January 13 from 2:00-4:00 in the Cafeteria. Join us for free tutoring on any subject for your midterms or come with friends for a quiet study space. Snacks will be provided.


Auditions for SWHS Spring Drama, Radium Girls, will be held this month. There will be an informational meeting at 2pm on Wednesday 1/15, with auditions and callbacks on Monday 1/27 and Wednesday 1/29, respectively. To get audition materials, please join the SWHS Drama google classroom using code: bbpcvlt 




The Water Launch Club will meet right after school on Thursday, January 9th in Annex Room 35. The Water Launch Club works with The Water Project,  a non-profit organization that raises money to provide clean and safe water across villages in Sub-Saharan Africa. We will be selecting leadership positions and deciding what we'll be doing for fundraisers this year. Come join us, and be a part of this life-changing club! Please see Daiwik Maddula or Mrs. Zaccardelli with any questions. Join our Google Classroom code: nkglssx


The Islamic Cultural Club will meet today, Wednesday January 8th, in Room 227 right after school. Snacks will be provided. See Mr. Ly in Room 227 or Alveena Shuha if you have questions.


South Windsor for the Local Kids is hosting a donation day fundraiser today from 10:30am-10pm at Shake Shake. All proceeds benefit the club dance drive. 




Seniors – if you are planning to attend college next year, it’s time to think about scholarships! They are being updated or added to Naviance on a daily basis. Both the Big Y and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving scholarships are local and are due by the end of January. The Hartford Foundation offers a great program with access to dozens of scholarships, 2 of which are for South Windsor students only. Find scholarships in Naviance under the Colleges tab. Click on Scholarships & Money, and the Scholarship Search.


Another reminder to seniors – if you have recently received a college acceptance, full-time job offer, or enlisted in the military for next year, be sure to fill out the form in your Grade 12 Google Classroom. This news will be announced in our monthly newsletter and shared on the screens outside School Counseling and Main Lobby.




Are you interested in playing boys lacrosse this spring? If so, please attend our offseason team lifts that will start this Saturday, January 12th, from 10-11am. Further information will be given out then. Please wear sneakers. 

Posted by spoinelli On 07 January, 2025 at 1:17 PM