The South Windsor Teen Center is open for South Windsor High School Students to hang out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2pm to 4:30pm. We have a new policy in place for snacks. When you arrive, please sign in with your first and last name, you will be given 2 tickets to choose your free snacks. If you would like additional snacks they will be $1.00 for 2 snacks or $.50 cents for one.
Most important: In order to receive a late bus pass from the Teen Center, you MUST be here before 2:30 and stay at the Teen Center until the late bus arrives here. There will no longer be exceptions to this rule. There is a Youth Council meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 from 5pm-6pm. Please come to the Teen Center to talk about volunteer opportunities, leadership skills and teamwork building. Join our Youth Council to make your dreams a reality.
The National Honor Society will hold a midterm review session on Monday, January 13 from 2:00-4:00 in the Cafeteria. Join us for free tutoring on any subject for your midterms or come with friends for a quiet study space. Snacks will be provided.
Auditions for SWHS Spring Drama, Radium Girls, will be held this month. There will be an informational meeting at 2pm on Wednesday 1/15, with auditions and callbacks on Monday 1/27 and Wednesday 1/29, respectively. To get audition materials, please join the SWHS Drama google classroom using code: bbpcvlt
SAGA, the Sexuality and Gender Alliance, will meet Monday, January 13th, after school in Room 129.
Mind's Eye will meet on Friday, January 10th, after school in Room 129.
Are you interested in playing boys lacrosse this spring? If so, please attend our offseason team lifts that will start this Saturday, January 12th, from 10-11am. Further information will be given out then. Please wear sneakers.