Friday, September 21, 2018 

Interested in Ski Club? There will be a meeting about the Ski Sundown trips this winter on Wednesday September 26th at 2:05 pm in room 152. Email Ms. Phillips if you cannot attend or have any questions.

9th Grade students interested in running for Class Office can pick up a Candidate Application in the Main Office or Admin 237.

Open auditions for the Men’s A Cappella group Understaffed will be held September 26th, 6:30 to 8 pm in Room 4. Everything you need is in Google Classroom! Register today at class code mkwsha!

The CHET Advance Scholarship program is currently open to all freshmen and seniors across CT. The program is offered by the CT State Treasury and awards 100 seniors a $2,500 scholarship and 100 freshmen at least a $2,000 scholarship. Seniors must have at least a 2.0 GPA. There is no grade requirement for freshmen. Recipients are chosen by a random drawing. Apply online at until October 2.

Connecticut College holds its Explore Weekend for high school seniors from underrepresented groups from November 10-12. If you are interested in learning more about diversity and the academic experience at Conn College, visit or see the poster outside School Counseling.

The Italian Club will have its first meeting next Monday, September 24th, right after school in room 226.  We will eat pizza and play bocce. Please bring $5 to Mrs. Zaccardelli in room 226 by this Friday to hold your spot. Join our Google Classroom at 1q6l4t to get up-to-date announcements.

The Yoga Club will have their first meeting next Monday the 24th at 2:15 in the Chorus room. Whether you love yoga or have never done yoga before... everyone is welcome. Yoga is a fun way to relieve stress and improve flexibility. Come Monday and give it a try. Join our Google Classroom with the code 2vzjbj or see Ms. Lane in room 6 with any questions.

The first meeting of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) will be held on Wednesday, September 26th at 7am in the Media Center. All students are invited to join us to learn more about this fun and interactive club!  

Students from underrepresented backgrounds are encouraged to check out upcoming diversity experiences at colleges around the region. WPI, Tufts University, and Connecticut Colleges will all host programs to acquaint students with their approaches to diversity on campus and provide an opportunity for prospective students to visit campus and experience life as a student. Deadlines for all programs are approaching. See Mrs. Carty in the Career Center if you are interested.

The following colleges will be in the Career Center on Monday, September 24: Bryant University, University of Bridgeport, Dean College and Assumption College. Sign up in Naviance to attend.

There will be an open gym for basketball on Monday, Sept. 24 from 6-8 pm in the SWHS main gym.

Applications are now available for Rho Kappa, the National Social Studies Honor Society. Membership to Rho Kappa is limited to Seniors with 3 completed credits in Social Studies. You can apply online through the Class of 2019 classroom page or with a written application available in the Social Studies office. See Mr. Frank or Mrs. Simcik if you have any questions. The deadline for applications is Friday, October 5th.

There will be a meeting for all students interested in trying out for the baseball team on Tuesday, September 25th after school in room 161. Any questions, please see Mr. D’Amato.
Posted by On 21 September, 2018 at 8:59 AM