Monday, September 24, 2018 
Interested in the ski club? There will be a meeting about the Ski Sundown trips this winter on Wednesday, September 26th, at 2:05 in room 152. Email Ms. Phillips if you cannot attend or have any questions.

9th Grade students interested in running for Class Office can pick up a Candidate Application in the Main Office or Admin room 237.

Open auditions for the Men’s A Cappella group Understaffed will be held September 26th, 6:30 to 8 pm in Room 4. Everything you need is in Google Classroom! Register today at class code: mkwsha!

The first meeting of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) will be held on Wednesday, September 26th, at 7 am in the Media Center. All students are invited to join us to learn more about this fun and interactive club!  

There will be an open gym for basketball today from 6-8 pm in the SWHS main gym.

Applications are now available for Rho Kappa, the National Social Studies Honor Society. Membership to Rho Kappa is limited to Seniors with 3 completed credits in Social Studies. You can apply online through the Class of 2019 classroom page or with a written application available in the Social Studies office. See Mr. Frank or Mrs. Simcik if you have any questions. The Deadline for applications is Friday, October 5th.

There will be a meeting for all students interested in trying out for the baseball team on Tuesday, September 25th after school in room 161. Any questions, please see Mr. D’Amato

Today is the first Yoga Club Practice. Come to the Chorus room at 2:15 to give yoga a try. We welcome anyone interested in trying yoga!

Just a reminder: the Italian Club will have it's first meeting today after school in room 226. We will also be taking a club photograph at the beginning of the meeting so please be sure to come and be included.

Students interested in learning about different cultures, watching movies, eating different foods and playing games please come and check out the Unity Club. The first meeting of this year will be held on October 1st, at 2 pm after school in the School Counseling Career Center.

The Strategy Club will meet this week on Thursday, September 27th, after school, in room 146. New members are always welcome.

The Bobcat Bowling Club is back! The first meeting to sign-up for session 1 will be held Thursday, September 27th briefly after school in room 168. Please see Mr. Gray for details.

Student Council will be selling spirit wear all week during lunch waves for $5-15. Find the Student Council table to browse the spirit wear!

Wednesday, September 26th is Pizza, Prizes & Giveaways day at the Teen Center! Join us for this free back to school event!

If you have an interest in airplanes - flying them or working on them – attend the Young Eagles Rally at Meriden-Markham Airport on Sunday, October 7th, from 9 am – 3 pm. Take a free flight and see what pilots do before, during and after a flight. A flier with more information is hanging in the Career Center.

We will have another full week of college visits ahead. Continue to check Naviance for a complete visit schedule and sign up there. Tomorrow we welcome Johnson & Wales University, Nazareth College, and Montclair State University.

All Travel Club students enrolled in the 2019 Italy and Spain Trip and a parent are to meet at the back of the SWHS Media Center on Thursday, October 4th at 7:00 PM. If you are unable to attend please see Señora Ruiz in room 227.

Any sophomore, junior and senior students interested in travelling to Italy and Spain over April break of 2019 are requested to attend our last informational meeting on Thursday, September 27th at 7:00 PM in the back of the SWHS Media Center. If you are unable to attend please see Señora Ruiz in room 227.

FBLA and DECA will be selling Taste Books for $25.00. Please see any FBLA member or any member of Mrs. Barrett's Marketing class to purchase one. Thank you. 

Athletic News:
The Girls volleyball team traveled to play Berlin Friday night. All 3 teams played tough in their loss. The Freshmen team lost 2-0, JV lost 2-1, and Varsity lost 3-2, with a close 15-12 score in game 5. 

The team will travel again tonight when they play one of their CCC league opponents, Tolland.
Posted by On 24 September, 2018 at 9:34 AM