Wednesday, December 19, 2018 

Mind's Eye will be hosting an Open-Mic Coffeehouse this Thursday, December 20 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the library. Come enjoy music, poetry, and other original work. All are welcome.

Attention all students: Santa Claus and his elf are coming to visit you TODAY in the cafeteria. Take a picture with them for $1! All proceeds will go to the Jimmy V Cancer Research foundation.

It’s Holiday Spirit Week!
Thursday, December 20 you can be creative and dress as your favorite holiday character.
Friday, December 21 is Pajama Day and don’t forget, it’s a 1/2 day to start the holiday break.

Looking for a contemporary fiction novel to read over break? The Book Club will be reading Made You Up by Francesca Zappia and will meet on Monday, January 10 to discuss. New members are welcome! For more information, see Mrs. Busa in Room 100. 

Attention Seniors, in order to be eligible to present on January 17, all written work for Capstone must be turned in to your adviser on or before January 4.  Please touch base with your adviser prior to the break.  

The Science Fiction/Fantasy Club will hold its next meeting this Thursday, December 20 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm in room 127. Join us to work on your own creative writing. We will also take our club picture for the yearbook at this meeting.

Big Sky Fitness in Vernon is looking for swim instructors for weekday evening shifts and some weekends. Applicants must be at least 16, certified lifeguards, and have some experience teaching swim lessons. If you are interested in applying please see the flyer on the Career Center bulletin board.

Applying to UConn? Applications are due and must be submitted to the UConn admissions Office by January 15. Students should submit transcript request forms to the School Counseling Department by Friday, December 21.

There is a winter accessories clothing drive going on now through December 21. All gently or new clothing and accessories, such as hats, gloves, and jackets, are appreciated. There will be donation boxes in the South Windsor Community Center and here at the high school.
Posted by On 19 December, 2018 at 8:44 AM