Monday, September 11, 2017 

Bobcat Pride Organization will have its first meeting today at 2:05pm in the back of the Media Center. All new or existing members are welcome to attend!
South Windsor For the Kids is having its first meeting this Wednesday after school from 2:00-2:20pm in the seminar room. Previous members who want to do the club again should attend, as well as new members who are interested in learning more about the club. If you cannot attend, please email [email protected] for more information.  We hope to see you there!
Have you heard of the Interact Club? We are a community service organization that helps make our school, town, state, and the world a better place! If you are interested in giving back, consider joining Interact! We will be holding an informational meeting for new and returning members this Thursday (September 14th) at 2:05pm in the Seminar Room. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Howard in Room 134. 
Students interested in the Common Ground program are reminded that applications are due this Wednesday to Ms. Lane in Room 6.  See Ms. Lane if you have any questions.
Attention all students!  Interested in a leadership position?  Join Student Council!  There is an informational meeting Thursday, September 14th at 2:05pm. We will be discussing the school election for officer positions and events for this year.  Returning members and new members welcome.  All grades welcome.  Come see Ms. Ullinger in the Social Studies Department Office if you have any questions.
Today is the day!  The South Windsor Gay-Straight Alliance will hold its first meeting of the year TODAY at 2:00pm in Room 148.  We are a diverse group of students who care about making sure South Windsor is a safe and inclusive space for all people, regardless of the gender or sexual identity.  If you want to hang out with us, eat some yummy snacks, and celebrate our differences, come on down!  Members past, present, and future (that means YOU, new members!) are welcome! We'll see you there!
Full cast of "Annie" is called to rehearsal in the Auditorium on Wednesday, September 13th.  Please remember to bring your score and a pencil!  Recordings are posted on Google Classroom -- please listen and review prior to rehearsal.
Attention Writing Center Tutors: we will hold a planning meeting after school on Wednesday, September 13th in Room 146. Please be sure to be there!
Are you interested in joining Mind's Eye, SWHS's student literary and art magazine? We are looking for new members! Please come to our first meeting today in Room 146. We hope to see you there!
Hey foodies!  The Cooking Club will be having an informational meeting on Wednesday, September 13th after school in Room 105.  We'll be picking our monthly menu themes and discussing club officer positions, so if you love to cook and are looking for leadership opportunities, it could be a recipe for success!  Please see Ms. Clifford or Senora Ruiz with questions.
South Windsor Youth & Family Services is hosting a Leadership Academy for SWHS students who are looking to sharpen skills and boost confidence to help prepare you for school, work, college, and community involvement. Come learn about what it means to be a leader and improve your skills while acquiring new ones. We will cover: public speaking, how to market yourself successfully, building leadership skills, confidence, and effective communication. This event will take place on Friday, September 15th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the SW Community Center. It is FREE, but you must register through and search South Windsor Youth & Family Services. For more information, contact Liz at 860-648-6361 x331.
Athletic News:
-Girls’ field hockey defeated Newington in a 7-0 shutout. The team will play against East Catholic tomorrow at East Catholic.

-The girls' varsity soccer team opened their season on Friday with a victory over Manchester.  Karly Suppicich led the Bobcats with a Hat Trick, Lindsay Fishman added a tally of her own, while Jaylene Ferrabelo and Olivia Besthoff provided assists.  Nicole Grasso has a nice outing defensively. Jianna Mitchell and Molly Carroll combined for 6 saves.  The girls’ next game is tomorrow against East Hartford.

-Congratulations to the girls’ volleyball team for their well-played matches at Manchester Friday night. The freshmen team lost a close game to lose 2-0, JV won 2-1, and varsity posted a 3-0 win which included a big comeback in Game 1. The team will host East Hartford tonight for their season home opener with a JV/freshmen team start time of 4pm with the varsity match to follow. Good luck to the team, and we hope to see you there!

-Attention all members of the girls’ volleyball team. Please be dressed in your uniforms ready to setup the gym and prepare for the home match today by 2:30pm. Any questions, contact Coach Holt.

Posted by On 04 October, 2017 at 12:59 PM