Tuesday, September 26, 2017 
Attention gamers: The Strategy Club will have its first meeting of the year tomorrow at 2:00pm in the Seminar Room. New members are welcome. Our website can be found at “For Students”/”Clubs”: click on Strategy Club

For anyone interested in being a member of the R.A.C.E committee (Respect And Change Everywhere), please meet in Room 147 at 2:05pm on Wednesday for the first meeting of the year. All are welcome!

Attention members of the Class of 2021: Are you interested in helping your class hold fundraisers? Want to make the experiences for your class the best? Then consider running for class office. Candidate application forms are now available in the Main Office. Elections will be held on Thursday, October 5. Good luck to all candidates!

The following colleges will visit the Career Center tomorrow: Grove City College, and Endicott College. Please go to the Media Center Seminar Room if you are attending the Endicott College visit. On Thursday, a representative from the University of Vermont will be here at 2:00pm.

The Big Y Scholarship applications have arrived and can be picked up from the Career Center or downloaded from the Big Y website. Big Y awards over 300 scholarships totaling $250,000 to graduating seniors each year. You do not have to be an employee or related to one. Anyone can apply by the February 1 deadline.

Northeastern University is holding an informational program regarding admissions, financial aid and the application process. The event will be held on Thursday, October 5 from 6:30-8:00pm at Cheshire Academy. More information is at and a poster is hanging by the computers in the Career Center. 

Our planet is in trouble. Species are disappearing, trash and temperatures are increasing. But it’s not too late to help make a change. Are you interested in learning more about our earth and teaching others? Do you like a casual, friendly environment? Do you want to help you community? Then environmental club is the perfect club for you! We meet every Thursday after school in Room 206. New members are always welcome! See Mrs. Eitel or Mrs. Davies with any questions. The informational meeting is this Thursday after school. Come check it out!

Anyone interested in joining the Bobcat Bowling Club should plan on attending a meeting tomorrow after school from 2:15-2:45pm in Room 168. See Mr. Gray for more details.

The boys’ soccer team is having a fundraiser on Monday, October 2 at a local restaurant in Manchester. You will need a coupon so the boys’ team can earn a percentage of your bill. Please see one of the soccer players for a coupon. We appreciate your support!

Do you like Italian food and culture? Come join the Italian Club. All are welcome! Our first meeting will be this coming Monday, October 2 right after school until 3:30pm in Mrs. Zaccardelli's Room 226. Come and have some input into our activities for the year. Join our Google classroom for additional information.

The SWHS football team is scheduled to play a big game on Thursday, September 28 at Rentschler Field in East Hartford at 6:00pm. We would like to make this a community event with a pre-game tailgate with free food!  The celebration will begin at 4:00pm. Please join us....and bring something to share!  We are collecting food donations for the tailgate in Main Office. Please drop your contributions of chips, cookies, and other pre-packaged foods through Thursday the 28th. 
Do you like dogs? Come see a demonstration on October 2nd in the back of the Media Center from 2:05pm to 2:45pm and meet a big, white, fluffy dog. For more information and to sign up, see Mrs. Blocker in Room 131 or send her an email. 

Reminder…there will be additional College Essay Writing Workshops tomorrow during last period AND after school in the School Counseling Office. If you have questions, please see Dr. LaRochelle.

The Homecoming Planning Committee meets today at 2:10pm in Room 257. 

Students who have successfully applied to UConn’s ECE Program during this year’s LATE WINDOW need to check your email for your UConn Net ID.  You must officially enroll in your ECE Courses by September 29 with that Net ID.  See Mr. Wry with any questions.

Students Against Destructive Decisions, also known as SADD, will be holding its first meeting tomorrow at 7:00am in the back of the Media Center.  All are welcome!
Posted by On 04 October, 2017 at 1:27 PM