Thursday, January 30, 2020 

Calling all actors! It’s time to sign up for the Spring Play. Auditions will be held today and tomorrow from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. in room 144. Sign up outside room 147. We need your talent and enthusiasm!

Jack the Collie and his friend Skye the Golden Retriever will be in the Career Center today during lunch waves. Come by and say hello.

Seniors: Please remind your parents that Congratulatory Ads must be submitted by tomorrow, Friday, January 31st. Please see the Yearbook tab on the SWHS webpage for directions and more information.

Students who are interested in becoming electricians are encouraged to apply to the Hartford Electricians and Joint Apprenticeship Training program between January 27th and February 7th at their office in Hartford. The office will have extended hours in the afternoon and evening on Friday, January 31st and Friday, February 7th. Interested students need to be at least 17 years old, graduating from high school in June, and have one year of Algebra with a passing grade. For more information, please see the flyer in the Career Center.

Students: It's time to purchase your yearbook! The price is $70 until February 21st. The price will continue to increase through the spring so buy it now! Go to the Yearbook tab on the webpage to place your order. Remember ALL students are featured in the yearbook – it’s not just for seniors.

Although the deadline has passed for the largest group of scholarships through the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, there are still individual scholarships available from the foundation. Two scholarships designated ONLY for South Windsor students are the Julie Veilleux Scholarship for senior girls and the Joyce Picard Scholarship for students pursuing careers in STEM or health related fields. Both scholarships have February 1st deadlines and can be found in Naviance.

Any students who missed the fall registration window to receive MCC credit for their College Career Pathways classes at South Windsor High School have a second chance to create a Banner ID. MCC’s registration portal has now re-opened for a limited time until February 7th. This will be your LAST chance to establish an MCC Banner ID, which is required in order to earn college credits for any MCC articulated classes you take this year and in the future. If you need another step-by-step guide for registration, please see Mr. Leon or Mrs. Carty in School Counseling.

Freshmen have an opportunity to apply now for a college scholarship through the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET). To be eligible for the CHET Advance Scholarship you must be a high school freshman in Connecticut with a minimum GPA of 2.0 and intend to begin a higher education program no later than September 2024. There are two types of scholarships available – one that is a random drawing and another that requires a civic engagement assignment. For information on how to apply see the Career Center, your Social Studies teacher, or the scholarship database in Naviance. The deadline in March 12th.

This is a final reminder that the applications for both the Julie Veilleux and Joyce Picard scholarships through Harford Foundation for Public Giving are due February 1st. These scholarships are awarded ONLY to South Windsor students, so check them out and see if you meet the criteria.

Attention all Student Council representatives! There will be a Student Council meeting the following two days to discuss Trivia Night with all representatives - Thursday, February 6th and Tuesday, February 18th. Please plan on attending. Trivia Night is coming up in March!

Athletic News:

South Windsor High School Boys Hockey player, Tim Fisher, has been nominated as one of 3 male athletes for The Hartford Courant Athlete of the Week. Fans, friends, family members and others can vote for Tim at  Voting will end Sunday at midnight and the winner will be announced next Tuesday morning.
Posted by On 30 January, 2020 at 9:11 AM