April 20, 2021 

Attention Freshmen: You will be receiving new Chromebooks Wednesday, April 21st or Thursday, April 22nd during your Science class. Please make sure to bring your old Chromebook and charger to school on those days.

The National Honor Society is hosting a fundraiser at a local pizza restaurant on Oakland Road on Wednesday, April 21st from 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. Please come out to support NHS!

Attention Seniors who qualified for the Seal of Biliteracy: Check your google classroom immediately for credentials and email Mrs. Stoj with any questions.

Attention all Senior Artists! There will be a Virtual Senior Art Show next month and all seniors are invited to display artwork! If you are interested, please join our Google Classroom (code: it2yyh2) for more information and application materials. Those who meet the criteria, and want to be considered for an honor cord, can submit 3-8 pieces of artwork for judging. There is a mandatory meeting this Wednesday, April 21st and the application is due Friday, May 7th. If you have any questions, speak to your art teacher or contact them through Google Classroom. We can't wait to see your amazing art!

Attention Language Honor Society inductees: The Google Meet Join Code for the induction ceremony was printed directly on the program sent home. Just enter it in Google Meet. Email Mrs. Stoj with any questions. 

Sophomore Class is having an apparel fundraiser! Tees, hoodies, backpacks, and more! Wear your Bobcat apparel with pride. Visit the online store to get your gear today! 
The following students have been chosen as the Students of the Month for March. Congratulations to: Anthony Attianese, Samantha Deras, Olivia Kvadus, Shakira Lin, Audrey Manning, Anamitra Rawat, Neigya Skyers, and Nation Wells.
The FBLA Spring Leadership Conference and Competition was held on Saturday, April 10th. Our school chapter won Gold for The FBLA Chapter Recognition Award! Pranav Ramesh won the Who's Who Award and received the Richard Dwyer Scholarship. The following students also won awards: Rohan Pruthi, Kavin Shanmugam, Jaideep Naik, Faizdeenkhan Pathan, Keshav Ramesh, Abhinay Prabhuraj, Trinayaan Harriharan, and Saoudkhan Pathan. Congratulations to all for a great job!
Juniors and Seniors can attend the CONNect Virtual College Fair, an opportunity to learn about Central, Eastern, Southern, Western, and UConn in an on-line meeting format. There will be representatives from each university available to answer questions. The program will run this Wednesday, April 21st from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday, May 12th. Details and registration can be found at
There will be two virtual college visits this week: University of Delaware on Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. and Curry College on Thursday at 1:45 p.m. Register in Naviance for the link.


The Boys Tennis Team hosted a very competitive Farmington team and won the match with a score of 4-3. Winning for the Bobcats were Matthew Chin at #2 Singles, Captain Rahul Mahesh at #3 Singles, Kevn Joseph at #4 Singles and Trinayaan Hariharan & Sri Sripada at #2 Doubles. There was great play all around and the team showed great determination and perseverance to come up with the win. Great job Bobcats!

Last Tuesday, Girls Track and Field won their meet against RHAM, 82 to 64 with many strong performances and first place finishes. Congratulations to Erin Dunn who qualified for States in pole vault and the 4X100 team of Candace Walsh, Sidney Montana, Erin Dunn, and Katelyn Baumgartner who also qualified for states. First place finishes went to Amanda Walsh in hurdles, Candace Walsh in sprints, Caroline Hegi and Maya Hathorn in jumps, Sophia McCormack in throws, and Erin Dunn in pole vault.
Posted by On 20 April, 2021 at 7:27 AM