May 13, 2021 

SWHS Presents Pandemonium 2020!! This cabaret style show with original dialogue is sure to entertain! Join these nine talented actors as they sing through struggle and celebrate community with songs from the American Musical Theatre! See the homepage for the link to the virtual musical!

Friendly Reminder: Thursday, May 20th is the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Testing Day for 11th graders. Eleventh graders should arrive by 7:15 a.m. and bring a charged chromebook and chromebook charger to the test. ALL other students will have a late arrival and should arrive at school by 10:05 a.m. Dismissal is at 2:00 p.m. Any seniors who are not attending the Senior Outing are expected to attend class as well. For more information please see the website under Messages from the Principal.

Attention parents and students! This year was full of memorable moments, and what better way to remember this important time than with your very own yearbook! This year will go down in history, so buy your yearbook today for just $75 before May 31st!

The Teen Center is currently open for drop-in hours and welcomes all high school students to attend on Monday and Thursdays from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Center is located in the Community Center at 150 Nevers Road, across from the high school and offers a variety of activities including a Wii and Xbox, pool tables, air hockey, ping-pong, and ski ball. Join them to watch movies on rainy days, or if you enjoy DIY activities they have plenty of craft supplies. Please contact Danielle if you are interested in stopping by or have questions at 860-648-6360.
The William L. Perry scholarship is awarded to South Windsor High School graduating seniors who have a record of outstanding leadership and have successfully studied a rigorous course load. Applications are due this Friday, May 14th. Please search for the scholarship in Naviance or contact Mrs. Carty if you need help finding it.

There are several job postings for part-time or summer work available to students who are at least 16 years of age. The Red Cabin Restaurant is hiring both a dishwasher and a busser/food runner, Channel 3 Kids Camp is looking for 18 year old or older students interested in working with kids in its summer program, Six Flags, Lowe’s and LAZ Parking have all been looking for help recently. Stop by the Career Center to get application information on jobs that might interest you.
The Boys Tennis Team continued their win streak with a 6-1 victory over East Hartford. Winning for the Bobcats were Jonathan Huot and Rahul Mahesh, Matthew Chin and Kevin Joseph at Singles and Vrisha Murali & Anthony Chen and Sri Sripada and Trinay Hariharan at Doubles. The team has clinched a spot in the State Tournament and their next goal is to win their division in the CCC! The next match is Monday May 17th at Manchester.
Posted by On 13 May, 2021 at 7:25 AM