April 25, 2022 
If you would like to attend graduation, prom, and/or senior outing, please make your payments during lunch on Tuesday, April 26 or Wednesday, April 27 in the cafe during lunch. The final collection date will be Wednesday, May 4th after school from 2:00-3:00 in the main lobby. Please see Mrs. McCool or Ms. Andrews with any questions. 

The SADD Club’s second annual “BE THE LIGHT” Fun Run/Walk will be held Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 9am at Nevers Road Park. The money raised will support the SADD Club and also the Purple Light Project, which brings attention and support to mental health patients throughout Hartford Healthcare. The $20 participation fee includes a t-shirt and raffle ticket. To register use the QR code on the flyers around the school or head to Eventbrite and search “BE THE LIGHT”. 
Konichiwa, have you ever made origami?  It is the traditional Japanese art of making objects out of colorful paper. This THURSDAY, 28 April, in room 230 right after school, the Japanese club will make their own origami creations, as well as learn about the fascinating history of this Japanese art. The Google Classroom code is wt4upbd. All are welcome! 
FCCLA is hosting a fundraiser at a local fresh sandwich shop on Sullivan Avenue on Wednesday, April 27th from 4:30pm-7:30pm. Proceeds raised will benefit Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief.
Italian Club will meet on Monday, April 25th right after school in room 226.  We will be doing a craft and playing Italian board games.  There will also be a snack.  There is no cost for this meeting, just send a message via the Italian Club Google Classroom to let us know you're planning to come so we can order enough materials.  Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!
Weekly Tip from the Writing Center: Are you really good at punctuation? Messy punctuation can make you look like a simpleton! Come down to the Writing Center to make your punctuation as polished and professional as black dress shoes! For more writing tips and help with your writing assignments, stop by the Writing Center. We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2-3 in room 136. Get one on one help with your writing assignments. No appointment needed
The National Honor Society Period Committee will hold a bake sale on April 27th at the boys volleyball game. The money raised will be used to purchase feminine hygiene products for women in need. 
Hey Bobcat Foodies!  The Cooking Club meets Thursday, April 28th after school in room 105.  Let's celebrate Spring-time flavors with our menu:  Quiche Florentine and Quiche Lorraine, Cheesy Potato Casserole, Bird Nest and Easter Basket cupcakes, Easter Roll Out Sugar Cookies, and Easter Brownies Spectacular! Bring $5 to Ms. Cliff or Sra. Ruiz to reserve your spot.
Posted by lramach On 25 April, 2022 at 12:20 PM