April 3, 2023 

The Junior Class will host a fundraiser at a local sandwich shop on Pleasant Valley Road from April 2nd thru April 8th. All money will go towards Junior Prom. Please come out and support our class-mention that you are supporting the SWHS Class of 2024 so that we can get the proceeds! See a Junior class officer with questions.


In honor of Earth day, FBLA is bringing you the first ever Lip Sync Battle on April 20th in the Cafe from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Teams and solo performers welcome- sign up during lunch waves from March 31st  thru April 6th or see Miss Cruz in Room 125. Cost is $5 per performer, $8 for spectators, $10 at the door.  

The next Italian Club meeting is on Wednesday, April 5th right after school in Room 105. We'll be cooking and eating 4 different pasta and sauce recipes, salad, and bruschetta. All are welcome, but space is limited, so save your spot by bringing $5 to Mrs. Zaccardelli in Room 226. 

The Environmental Club is selling flowering bulbs to support the purchase of 2 trees which will be planted on school grounds. See Mrs. Eitel in Room 206 to purchase the bulbs from 3/10 to 4/10.


This is a reminder to all winter sports athletes to please complete the end of season survey.  The survey was sent to each winter athlete’s apps account.  This form contains the original questions sent on March 7th along with the open-ended survey question.  If you have taken the time to complete these questions already, thank you.  If you have not, please know there is still time to complete your responses as the survey will remain open until Monday, April 3rd at 3 p.m.  Your feedback is appreciated!
Posted by lramach On 31 March, 2023 at 2:02 PM