Monday, March 19, 2018 
Recently the Students of the Month for February were announced. We apologize for omitting Rafia Rizwan, Grade 10 Student of the Month. Congratulations, Rafia!

March is Women’s History Month. Today we honor: Julia Ward Howe

Please listen to the following information regarding the modified schedule for Wednesday March 21st, when all junior students will take the SAT in school:

Juniors: Report to school by 7:15am. Signs will be posted to let you know which room you should report to for the test. You MUST BRING: Two #2 Pencils with soft erasers (no pens or mechanical pencils will be allowed) and a calculator. We also recommend bringing a snack and a water bottle. During the test, students will NOT be permitted to use cell phones, even during breaks. Phones and other electronic devices should be locked in a locker, powered off and turned into the teacher for the duration of the test, or left at home. To prepare for the March 21st School Day SAT, a pre-administration session will be held for all 11th graders during an extended homeroom period this Thursday, March 15th. At this time, 11th graders will provide the names of four colleges they want their SAT scores sent to for free. Juniors should come to the pre-administration with a list of four colleges, universities or scholarship programs to which they would like to send scores. 

Sophomores and Seniors: Sophomores and Senior students enrolled in AP courses are expected to attend the review sessions offered by their teacher on March 21st. Please be advised that your review session may not be in your regular classroom. AP teachers will go over the review schedules with their AP classes. 
All other sophomores and seniors will have late arrival to school on Wednesday and must arrive by 11:25 am. Students that arrive before 11:25am are to report to the cafeteria for study hall. 

Freshmen: Report to school as usual by 7:25am to your CATS Room for special programming while the SAT is being held.  CATS room locations will be displayed in the hallway.  

There will be no bells or announcements on March 21st (even after testing is complete.) Your teachers will follow the schedule and will dismiss students accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Ms. Morgan-Hostetler.     
Final call…sophomores and juniors….CREC is looking for students interested in their CRILA leadership academy. If interested in applying or getting more details, please visit Mr. Wry in School Counseling. 

Final reminder for all students who drive to school: only students with a parking pass may park in the high school parking lot. All other drivers must park at Dupree. Students are not permitted to park at Wapping or the Community Center.

This is a special invitation for you to attend the Career Inspirations Program happening Tuesday, March 27 from 9:00am to 12:45pm. You will participate in workshops to empower yourself with the necessary skills for success in every career. You will develop your personal brand, soft skills and negotiation skills. It is free, and lunch will be provided. Space is limited to the first 40 that sign up. See Ms. Cruz or Ms. Festi or stop by the Career Center for your permission slip. Permission slip deadline is March 23.  

The Industry Advisory Board and the Business Department invites you to Join Us for Career Week. Give your resume a fresh new look and learn to answer those tricky interview questions. Sign up for the resume workshop on March 26 and interviewing skills on March 29, and take your career in the right direction! Space is limited to the first 40 students. Free of cost. For more information and permission slip see Ms. Cruz or Ms. Festi. Sign up deadline is March 23. 

Today is the last day to order one of the Freshman Class of 2021 shirts. See Mrs. Barrett in Room 126 if you are interested in one.

Springfield Technical Community College will hold an Open House tomorrow from 4:00pm – 7:00pm. Interested students can learn about associate degree and certificate programs, athletics and financial aid and apply for on the spot acceptance for fall 2018. If applying at this event, bring your high school transcript. An informational flyer is hanging in the Career Center.

The deadline to sign-up for the Job Shadow at the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts is TODAY…see Ms. Cruz or Ms. Festi in the Business Office or go to the Career Center to sign up.

Athletic News:
-Boys Tennis Tryouts…check the sports tryout link on the SWHS website under “Athletics Registration” for the detailed list.

Posted by On 19 March, 2018 at 8:20 AM