Attention Seniors: the final wave of Capstone presentations will take place on January 24 and 25. You must present your Capstone in January. In order to present, your written work must be turned into your advisor's Google Classroom by Friday, January 12th. You then need to fill out the Google Form on the Capstone Website so we know you are ready to present and can reserve you a time slot. Reach out to your adviser if you have questions.
Students and staff come out to a local sandwich shop on Wednesday 1/31 from 4-7pm to support the school writing center. All proceeds will go back to the writing center and be used for the purchase of swag and giveaways.
There will be a mandatory meeting for the Travel Club for all students and at least 1 parent/guardian on Tuesday, February 6th at 6:00 PM in the South Windsor High School Cafeteria. Please contact SeƱora Ruiz if you are not able to attend.