Students and Staff - come support the Writing Center! Come to a local fresh sandwich shop on Sullivan Avenue on Wednesday, January 31 from 4pm-7pm. The Writing Center benefits all students by providing writing help from peer tutors.
The 9th Grade Class will be selling Class of 2027 T-Shirts from Tuesday, January 30th to Monday, February 12th. Short sleeve shirts are $20.95 and long sleeve shirts are $25.95. Show your support and buy one now! We will wear them on spirit days. All t-shirts will be delivered to Mrs. Barrett in Annex Room 12. There will be an announcement when they come in. Look on Instagram and the high school homepage for the store post! See Mrs. Barrett with any questions.
Join the Jewish American Heritage Club on Thursday Feb 1st in Room 105 from 2:15-3:00 as we celebrate Tu B’shevat (pronounced TOO-BIS-SHVAHT)! We will be making charcuterie boards and planting parsley. Join classroom code bofyc7h
The Black Student Alliance is hosting a bake sale at the home boys’ basketball games on Friday, February 2nd and Monday, February 5th. Come enjoy some yummy treats while supporting a great cause and cheering our team.
The Student Council is hosting a canned food drive at the JV and Varsity home boys basketball games this Friday, February 2nd. Bring 2 canned goods for free admission.