Open auditions for the award winning show choir Choral Spectrum will be on February 26 at 6 PM. Join the Google Classroom with code 2b7zjtr or see Mr. Martineau in the music department for more details.
On Thursday, March 7th the SADD Club is hosting the return of the "Relieve the Stress Fest". The event will be held after school from 2-3:45 PM and is free for all students. Some of the many activities are therapy dogs, gong sound meditation, games in the gym, activities in the cafeteria, raffles and more! Join us for a stress-free afternoon!
The Hope Club’s next meeting is on Thursday, February 29th in the back of the Media Center. We will explore the different types of heart disease for awareness during American Heart Month and learn to take vital signs such as blood pressure and pulse.
The Entrepreneurship Club will meet after school in Annex Room 17 from 2:15 - 3:30 PM on Wednesday, February 28th. All are welcome, so grab a snack and come learn a little about how franchising works! Late bus passes will be available for anyone needing transportation home
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
Anyone interested in trying out for the Boys golf team should attend an informational meeting
Tuesday, February 27th after school in Room 168. Please see Mr. Gray in Room 168 if you have any questions or can’t attend.
There will be a meeting for all students interested in playing baseball this season on Thursday, February 29th after school in Room 161. Any questions, please see Mr. D'Amato.