Today’s Entrepreneurship club meeting is being rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, 2/29, after school in ANNEX 17.
The Hope Club’s next meeting is on Thursday, February 29th in the back of the Media Center. We will explore the different types of heart disease for awareness during American Heart Month and learn to take vital signs such as blood pressure and pulse.
Are you bored and looking for something to do this Wednesday after school? Come check out the Strategy Club. We meet every other Wednesday, after school, in the back of the Media Center to play board games, card games, and Dungeons and Dragons. New members are always welcome. In fact, we have a brand new D&D group starting this week so come check us out!
Lots of clubs will be offering free activities at the "Relieve the Stress Fest" on Thursday, March 7th! Visit the SADD Club, Cooking Club, Black Student Alliance, FSLA, Environmental Club, Strategy Club, National Honor Society, FBLA, Italian Club, the Teen Center and the Community Music Club. Play some Ping Pong, Spikeball or Corn Hole, try your luck at a trivia game, create art, listen to some music, make a yogurt parfait, play a game or visit a therapy dog!
Any girls NEW to high school Track and Field who are interested in joining the team should attend ONE of the informational meetings on Mon. February 26th OR Wed. February 28th in Room 127 at 2:05. ALL Girls who plan on participating this season, whether new or returning, should attend the pre-season meeting on Wed. March 6th in the Seminar Room at 2:05.
There will be a meeting for all students interested in playing baseball this season on Thursday, February 29th after school in Room 161. Any questions, please see Mr. D'Amato.
Spring sports registration is now open. Registration deadline is March 5th. Registration consists of 3 parts - completing the online portion, submitting the physician statement and submitting the pay to play participation fee to the SWHS Main Office. Payment can also be made by cash, check or through for a small fee. All three must be completed before March 5th to be eligible for tryouts. Late registrations are not guaranteed to be processed in time for tryouts and may result in sitting out for one day of tryouts.
Students interested in exploring careers in the field of science are invited to check out a summer science camp at the Center for DNA-Guided Medicine in Hartford. An information flier with camp dates and contact information is hanging in the Career Center on the Special Programs board. The Center is also looking for high school interns for their summer science internship program at the Laboratory for Personalized Medicine. Interested students should see Mrs. Carty to find out how to submit their resume for consideration.
A local company is seeking part-time help from a student interested in exploring accounting as a career. Please see the part-time jobs board in the Career Center for more information.